

  • hold spacebar while drawing a path (for example an ellipse) to move it

  • ''A'' for ''Path Selection Tool'' or ''Shift+A'' to toggle between ''Path Selection Tool'' and ''Direct Selection Tool'' to select points.

  • ''Ctrl+T'' = ''Free Transform Path''

  • ''Window'' > ''Paths'' to get the ''Paths Panel'' beside the ''Layers Panel''

  • To create outline from bitmap make selection with the ''Magic Wand Tool'' (''w''), then right-click > ''Make Work Path''

  • Use ''Quick Mask'' (''q'') while creating selections with the ''Magic Wand Tool'' to see the result better and use ''Brush'' to fix some pixels for better selection.

  • to create another work path from a selection rename the first work path in paths palette, then make another work path.

  • ''Path Operations'' in ''Path Properties'' are very useful: Combine, Subtract, Intersect, Exclude.

  • nice tutorial from

SVG export from Photoshop

Starting from Photoshop CC 14.2, you can create SVG files directly from Photoshop:


  • You can have larger thumbnails in your panels by using ''Panel Options'' from the panel's toolbar.

inside stroke

use ''Stroke'' -> ''Inside Blending Option'' to create thicker lines for example for country borders

create replace black background by transparent