Sanyo MBC-550/555

stretch bits from AL to AX

stretch_bits: ;input al=byte (10011001), bit duplication result in ax: 1100001111000011
  push cx
  push bx
  mov bl, al
  xor ax, ax
  mov cx, 8
  shl ax, 1
  shl ax, 1
  shl bl, 1
  jnc .no1
  or ax, 3
  loop .lp
  pop bx
  pop cx


play:             ; bx=note, dx=duration
   push ax
   push bx
   push cx
   push dx
   mov cx,bx
   mov ax,0x35
.a xor al,8       ; toggle 'break' bit
   out 0x3a,al    ; USART
.b dec ah
   jnz .c
   dec dx
   jz .d
.c loop .b
   mov cx,bx      ; reset note
   jmp .a
.d xor al,8       ; toggle 'control' bit
   cmp al,0x35    ; 'break' now on?
   jnz .e         ; jump if not
   out 0x3A,al    ; reset USART
.e pop dx
   pop cx
   pop bx
   pop ax

  mov bx,bp
  mov bx,[sound+bx]
  sub bx,ax   ; ax = note offset for tone height
  call play
  inc bp
  inc bp
  loop playEffect

See also the Soft Sector magazine December 1984 article by J. Weaver Jr.:

The sound routine technique The sound routine used in Run' Round is an example of "single-bit" sound or one popular method of generating tones and complex noises on computers without true "sound" channels. By rapidly toggling a control bit connected to an amplifier and speaker, square waves are generated, and the tone of the sound can be varied by changing the delay between the toggle, thus varying the frequency of the square wave. Explaining how single-bit sound works on the 550/ 555 requires delving a bit into the hardware of the machine. As you may have been able to figure out from the "Technical Reference" section of the Sanya Operator's Guide, the 550 series keyboard is actually a separate serial device which accepts keystrokes and then relays them sequentially to the DOS at 1200 Baud. The actual link between the keyboard and the rest of the computer is the 8251A Programmable Communication Interface chip, the exact same chip used on the Sanyo's RS-232 board. Since the 8251A USART (Universal Synchronous/ Asynchronous Receiver/ Transmitter) is bi-directional, and since only the "receive" portion of the chip was being used and the 550/555 needed some type of sound generation capabili-ties, the transmit data line (TxD, Pin 19) was tied (through an amplifying transis-tor) to the built-in speaker. Therefore, the sound you hear when the Sanyo "beeps" is actually the sound of a byte of data being "transmitted" through the speaker, complete with start bit, parity bit and stop bit. While a certain amount of variety is possible by changing the actual data byte sent, the presence of the control bits interferes with the square wave generation, resulting in poor quality and limited variety. A second method involves changing the pitch by resetting the Baud rate of the USART; however, range is still limited, and whenever the Baud rate does not equal 1200, all keyboard input is lost! The final solution lay in the manipulation of the "break" signal generated by the 8251A. Unlike the BREAK key, which sends a single character, the "break" signal grabs the output line and holds it low until the break mode is released. Since the TxD output is normally high, the "break" mode gives us a method of generating clean square waves for the built-in speaker. Listing I is the source code for the assembly language routine embedded in Run'Round. The frequency value and duration of the note desired are passed to the routine on the stack with the CALL command from BASIC and retrieved by the code at label START. The code at label PLAY sends the control byte to the USART to toggle the break mode, and then performs two interlocking delays for the frequency and duration of the note. When the note is completed, the code at label EXIT , returns the break mode to its original , state and exits the routine. The RETF 8 instruction clears the variables passed from the stack before returning to BASIC

Working atan and atan2 functions in assembly! Hooray!

atan2: ; input bx=y, ax=x
  cmp ax,0
  jnz .x_not_0

  cmp bx,0
  jl .y_lte_0

  mov ax,90

  mov ax,-90

  push ax
  push ax   ; keep a copy of x
  mov ax,bx
  mov cx,111
  cwd       ; dx=0
  imul cx
  pop cx;   ; restore x
  idiv cx   ; ax/=x
  call atan
  pop cx;   ; restore x
  cmp cx,0
  jl .x_lt_0

  cmp bx,0
  jge .y_gte_0
  sub ax,180

  add ax,180

; ───────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────

atan: ; cx=z, return value in ax, bx destroyed, cx destroyed, dx destroyed
  mov cx,ax           ; z
  cmp cx,111
  jg .z_gt_scale      ; if (z>111)
  cmp cx,-111         ; if (z<-111) 
  jl .z_lt_minus_scale
  imul ax             ; ax *= ax  (z*z)
  mov bx,333     
  idiv bx             ; ax /= 333   Taylor-benadering
  mov bx,ax
  mov ax,111
  sub ax,bx           ; ax-=111  
  mov bx,180
  imul bx             ; ax*=180 
  imul cx             ; ax*=z
  mov bx,111
  idiv bx             ; ax/=111
  mov bx,314
  idiv bx             ; ax/=314

  mov ax,12321        ; 12321 = 111*111 (squared scale)
  idiv cx             ; ax/=z
  call atan           ; recursion
  mov bx,ax
  mov ax,90
  sub ax,bx

  mov ax,12321        ; 12321 = 111*111 (squared scale)
  idiv cx             ; ax/=z
  call atan           ; recursion
  mov bx,ax
  mov ax,-90
  sub ax,bx

debugging with interrupts

; register interrupt
mov ax,0
mov ds,ax ; segment 0
mov word [INT_NUMBER*4+0],intX_handler     ; address in CS segment
mov word [INT_NUMBER*4+2],cs

; raise int1: Division by zero / Division error
mov cx,0
div cx

; raise int3: for convenient one byte interrupt.

; raise int1 - Single Step debugging
cli                     ; Disable interrupts
pushf                   ; Push FLAGS onto the stack
pop ax                  ; Pop FLAGS into AX
or ax, 0100h            ; Set the Trap Flag (TF) in AX
push ax                 ; Push the modified FLAGS back onto the stack
popf                    ; Pop the modified FLAGS back into FLAGS register

custom integer atan & atan2 in degrees

int atan(int z) {
  if (z>111) {   // if z>scale
    ax = 12321;  // 12321 = 111*111 (squared scale)
    ax /= z;
    bx = atan(ax);   //recursion
    ax = 90;
    ax -= bx;
  } else if (z<-111) {
    ax = 12321;
    ax /= z;
    bx = atan(ax);   //recursion
    ax = -90;
    ax -= bx;
  } else {
    ax = z;
    ax *= ax;
    ax /= 333;  //Taylor-benadering 
    bx = ax;
    ax = 111;
    ax -= bx;
    ax *= 180;
    ax *= z;
    ax /= 111;
    ax /= 314;
  return ax;

int atan2(int y, int x) {
  if (x!=0) {
    ax = y;
    ax *= 111;
    ax /= x;
    ax = atan(ax);
  if (x < 0 && y >= 0) ax+=180;
  else if (x < 0 && y < 0) ax-=180;
  else if (x == 0 && y > 0) ax=90;
  else if (x == 0 && y < 0) ax=-90;
  return ax;

Velocity flags

Use Zero-flag and Sign-flag to create rudimentary atan2 function with 45 degrees accuracy (8 directions)

; velocity flags
  mov ax,[ship.vel.x]
  or ax,0
  pop ax
  mov cl,6
  shr al,cl
  xchg al,bl
  mov ax,[ship.vel.y]
  or ax,0
  pop ax
  mov cl,4
  shr al,cl
  or ax,bx
  and ax,15
  mov word [ship.vel.flags],ax

  ; 0=down-right
  ; 1=down
  ; 2=down-left
  ; 3=################
  ; 4=right
  ; 5=#### IDLE ####
  ; 6=left
  ; 4=###############
  ; 8=up-right
  ; 9=up
  ; 10=up-left

Binary Visualisation of BANDIT.EXE

my own 4 lines high pixelfont

but there is a problem... the cells in the video RAM are 8x4, the font is also 8x4, so it fits perfectly, however there's no space in between the lines, so the text bleeds and is unreadible. It's possible to add a spacing line by splitting a char over two cells and get off the grid vertically, but the whole idea of the 8x4 font is to stick to one cell. A possible solution is to use color to be able to separate the lines visually:

Screenshot 2024-12-27 at 01 10 54

  mov dx,BLUE
  mov bx,RED
  mov si,font
  mov cx,59
  push ds
  mov ds,bx
  mov [di-2],ax  ; copy green channel of bottom 2 lines in cell to red creating yellow
  mov ds,dx
  mov [di-1],ah  ; ; copy green channel of bottom line in cell to creating white
  pop ds
  loop .lp

  mov ax,GREEN
  mov es,ax
  mov di,0
  call draw_string ; draws font-table twice
  call draw_string

Export graphic from Asesprite to .BIN file

LUA script for Aseprite:

local white = app.pixelColor.rgba(255, 255, 255, 255)
local sprite = app.activeSprite
local filePath = app.fs.filePath(sprite.filename)
local fileName = app.fs.fileTitle(sprite.filename)
if filePath=="" then filePath = "." end

local outputFile = filePath .. "/" .. fileName .. ".bin"
local file =, "wb")
local image = Image(sprite)
local w = image.width
local h = image.height

for y = 0, h-1, 4 do
    for x = 0, w-1, 8 do
        for i = 0, 3 do
            local byte = 0
            for b = 0, 7 do
                local c = image:getPixel(x+b, y+i)
                if c == white then
                    byte = byte | (1 << (7-b))

Gradient TimeBandit font

The effect of the colorful font in TimeBandit on the Sanyo MBC-550/555 can be achieved by introducing 2 colors. color1 for the top 3 lines, color2 for the bottom 4 lines an a checkboard pattern mixing color1 and color2. The checkboard pattern is created using a XOR.

NB. Since the font is 12x12 instead of 16x12 (or 16x16) things are so much more difficult. The sprites are all on the grid (72 or 80 cols by 50 rows), the font however, is not on the grid. It uses 12 bits instead of 16. One could say: 2 chars form always one sprite of (24x12) or (24x16). This would be a lot faster in rendering but less flexible. The current solution below can draw a bitmap (including a char) anywhere on the screen. It's rather slow but not slower than the original game I think.

set colors:

mov byte [draw_char.color1],Color.G
mov byte [draw_char.color2],Color.C

test which color channels to draw to

test byte [.color], Color.R

checkboard pattern:

mov al,[.x]
mov cl,[.y]
xor al, cl      ; XOR x en y
test al, 1
jz .upper       ; color 2
jnz .lower      ; color 1

finding the font in TimeBandit

It took me quite some time to find the font in the binary file. I was expecting a similar way of storing the pixels as for the sprites: 32x16 in steps of 4 bytes per cell with 4 cells in a row repeated 4 times. And that for 3 color channels. However, the font is only one channel and it is stored as 16 bits (the lowest 5 bits are 0) per line with 12 lines (the last line is always 0):

Finding the font in TimeBandit for Sanyo MBC-550/555

I used following Python script to convert the EXE to a textfile with just zeros and ones, 800 bytes per line to minimize linebreaks.

input_binary_file = "bandit-without-code.exe"
output_text_file = "bandit-without-code.txt"

with open(input_binary_file, 'rb') as bin_file, \
     open(output_text_file, 'w') as text_file:

  binary_string = ''.join(format(byte, '08b') for byte in

  for i in range(0, len(binary_string), 800):
    print(binary_string[i:i+800], file=text_file)

Then I could use the find function in my texteditor to find parts of the letter in binary. For example 10010011001. Screenshot 2024-12-12 at 22 00 00

Changing the line length to 16 and replacing the zeros by spaces and the ones by blocks immediately shows the characters in your texteditor.

binary_string = binary_string.replace("0"," ").replace("1","█")
for i in range(0, len(binary_string), 16):
     print(binary_string[i:i+16], file=text_file)

Screenshot 2024-12-13 at 10 14 26



draw_char_to_vram in Processing (on the grid)

draw_char_to_vram(chrA, 0,0);

void draw_char_to_vram(byte[] bytes, int si_offset, int di_offset) { //this only works 'on the grid' (every 8 pixels) 
  for (int b=0; b<bytes.length*8; b++) { // b=which bit 0..192 //2 bytes per line (12 lines)
    int x = b%16;
    int y = b/16;
    int si = si_offset + b/8;
    int di = di_offset + (y/4)*(4*COLS) + (y%4) + (x/8)*4;
    int dl = 128 >> (x%8);
    memory[R+di] ^= (bytes[si] & dl);  //XOR
    //println("x="+x,"y="+y,"---","di="+di, "dl="+dl);

draw char/bitmap anywhere

draw_char_xy(chrA, 0, 0, 16, 12); //width must be multiple of 8
draw_char_xy(chrB, 12, 0, 16, 12); //width must be multiple of 8

void draw_char_xy(byte[] bytes, int ox, int oy, int w, int h) { // draw anywhere! 'off the grid'
  for (int b = bytes.length*8-1; b>=0 ; b--) { //in case of 24 bytes (16x12 pixels) b=bit index 0..192   //16 bits (2 bytes) per line (12 lines)
    //2*12 = 24 destination bytes affected when horizontally 'on the grid'
    //3*12 = 36 bytes affected when horiztonally 'off the grid'

    int x = (b % w) + ox; // x position including offset
    int y = (b / w) + oy; // y position including offset

    int src_byte_index = b/8; // source index
    int src_bit_index = b%8;
    boolean bit_value = (bytes[src_byte_index] & (128>>src_bit_index)) != 0;

    int dst_byte_index = (y / 4) * (4 * COLS) + (y % 4) + (x / 8) * 4; // destination index
    int dst_bit_index = x%8;

    if (bit_value) {
      memory[R + dst_byte_index] ^= 128>>dst_bit_index; // Set the bit
    } else {
      memory[R + dst_byte_index] &= ~(128>>dst_bit_index); // Clear the bit

Assembly code to draw a 12x12 bitmap char anywhere on the screen.

It can be optimized a lot. It's rather slow but it does work! Next step is to optimize it with nested loops. Then add gradient masks. UPDATE: Here is a version that is at least twice as fast:

%include "sanyo.asm"

char_index: db 0
hello1: db "RICKYBOYII",0

draw_string:  ; input si=string offset
  mov word [draw_char.ox],0
  mov word [draw_char.oy],0
  mov word [draw_char.width],16
  mov word [draw_char.height],12

  push si ; string offset
  or al,al
  jz .done

  mov byte [draw_char.char],al
  call draw_char
  inc byte [char_index]
  add word [draw_char.ox],12
  pop si
  inc si
  jmp .lp
  pop si

  mov ax,RED
  mov es,ax
  mov si,hello1
  call draw_string

%include "func.asm"

%include "assets.asm"

times (180*1024)-($-$$) db 0


jmp .__________
    ; public
    .char db 'A'
    .ox dw 0
    .oy dw 0
    .width dw 16
    .height dw 12

    ; private
    .bpdiv8 dw 0
    .bpmod8 dw 0
    .bpdivw dw 0
    .bpmodw dw 0
    .x dw 0
    .y dw 0
    .ydiv4 dw 0
    .ymod4 dw 0
    .xdiv8 dw 0
    .xmod8 dw 0
    .src_bit dw 0
    .dst_bit dw 0

    mov ax,[.width]
    mov bx,[.height]
    xor dx,dx
    mul bx
    mov bp,ax
    dec bp            ; n=length*8-1 (zero based)

    ; --- prepare di
    mov di,0

    ; --- prepare si
    xor ah,ah
    mov al,[.char]
    sub al,32
    mov cx,24
    mul cx
    mov si,ax
    add si,font


    ; --- bpdiv8, bpmod8
    mov ax,bp         ; bp = current bit index 0..192 (in case of 16x12)
    xor dx,dx
    mov cx,8
    div cx            ; ax=bp/8, dx=bp%8
    mov [.bpmod8],dx
    mov [.bpdiv8],ax

    ; --- bpdivw, bpmodw
    mov ax,bp         ; bp = current bit index 0..192 (in case of 16x12)
    xor dx,dx
    mov cx,[.width]
    div cx            ; ax=bp/w, dx=bp%w
    mov [.bpmodw],dx
    mov [.bpdivw],ax

    ; --- int x,y
    add dx,[.ox]      ; (b % w) + ox
    add ax,[.oy]      ; (b / w) + oy
    mov [.x],dx
    mov [.y],ax

    ; --- ydiv4, ymod4
    mov ax,[.y]
    xor dx,dx
    mov cx,4
    div cx
    mov [.ydiv4],ax
    mov [.ymod4],dx

    ; --- xdiv8, xmod8
    mov ax,[.x]
    xor dx,dx
    mov cx,8
    div cx
    mov [.xdiv8],ax
    mov [.xmod8],dx

    ; --- DI = (y/4) * (4*COLS) + (y%4) + ((x/8)*4);
    mov ax,[.ydiv4]
    xor dx,dx
    mov cx,4*COLS
    mul cx
    add ax,[.ymod4]
    mov cx,[.xdiv8]
    times 2 shl cx,1   ; *=4
    add ax,cx
    mov di,ax          ; destination index

    ; --- dst_bit = 128>>xmod8
    mov ax,128
    mov cx,[.xmod8]
    shr ax,cl
    mov [.dst_bit],ax  ; destination bit mask

    ; --- src_bit = 128>>bpmod8
    mov ax,128
    mov cx,[.bpmod8]
    shr ax,cl
    mov [.src_bit],ax  ; source bit mask

    ; --- if [si + bpdiv8] & [.src_bit]
    mov bx,[.bpdiv8]   ; source index
    test [si + bx],ax
    mov byte al,[.dst_bit]  ; load bit mask into al
    jz .clr
    or byte [es:di],al
    jmp .while
    not al  
    and byte [es:di],al
    ;loop while(bp-->0)
    dec bp
    or bp,bp
    jnz .loop_bits


; ───────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────

animated characters from TimeBandit by Michtron


position of code and data in BANDIT.EXE

offset=0x0000, count=0x0014  //MZ header
offset=0x0297, count=0x0081  //code
offset=0x0338, count=0x08A8  //FONT
offset=0x08D1, count=0x0293  //code
offset=0x0C30, count=0x3000  //sprites: key till bandit
offset=0x3C20, count=0x002E  //strings: 0+NCN@NLNONRNUNFNI01
offset=0x3C4E, count=0x1E00  //sprites: donut till scorpion
offset=0x627A, count=0x0018  //string 1234567890123456789012345
offset=0x6CF0, count=0x062F  //strings
offset=0x7393, count=0x03BF  //strings trees, cacti, the timegates ...
offset=0x7753, count=0x03D8  //strings
offset=0x7E0A, count=0x0678  //strings
offset=0x84A1, count=0x0477  //code
offset=0x8BBB, count=0x048F  //strings
offset=0x90DB, count=0x003F  //code
offset=0x914A, count=0x1E4C  //code
offset=0xAF96, count=0x0012  //string?

keyboard test

cpu 8086
org 0

GREEN equ 0x1c00

  mov al,0xFF
  out 0x3a,al           ; keyboard
  mov al,0x30
  out 0x3a,al           ; keyboard

  mov al, 5
  out 10h, al               ; select address 0x1c000 as green video page

  mov ax,GREEN      
  mov es,ax
  xor di,di

  in al,0x38  ;get data byte

  cmp di,14400
  jb draw
  xor di,di
  jmp draw

times (180*1024)-($-$$) db 0

Expression parser

Work in progress expression parser:

xy-loop with one label

draw4x12:               ; bx should be zero when called
  push bx
  call calc_di_from_bx
  mov bh,4              ; width in cols (1 col = 8px)
  mov bl,4              ; height in rows (1 row = 4px)
  call draw_pic
  pop bx
  add bl,4
  cmp bl,4*8
  jl draw4x12
  mov bl,0
  add bh,4
  cmp bh,4*12
  jl draw4x12

set cursor / calc DI

calc_di:          ; input bl,bh [0,0,71,49]
  mov ax,144      ; 2*72 cols
  mul bh          ; bh*=144 resultaat in AX
  shl ax,1        ; verdubbel AX
  mov di,ax       ; di=ax (=bh*288)
  shl bl,1        ; bl*=2
  shl bl,1        ; bl*=2
  mov bh,0
  add di,bx       ; di+=bl

mame debugger

dump memory.dmp,0,fffff   # hex
save memory.bin,0,fffff   # bin

visual dump of the current memory in MAME

Screenshot 2024-12-01 at 07 57 19


PImage getImageFromBytes(byte[] bytes, int w, int h) { //w,h in pixels - 3 channel 3 bit image
  PImage img = createImage(w, h, RGB);
  for (int y=0, bit=128, j=0; y<h; y++) {
    for (int x=0; x<w; x++, bit=128>>(x%8), j++) {
      int i = int(y/4)*(w/2)+(y%4)+int(x/8)*4;
      int r = (bytes[i+0*w/8*h] & bit)>0 ? 255 : 0;
      int g = (bytes[i+1*w/8*h] & bit)>0 ? 255 : 0;
      int b = (bytes[i+2*w/8*h] & bit)>0 ? 255 : 0;
      img.pixels[j] = color(r, g, b);
  return img;

draw picture

The image format is optimized for the Sanyo's videomemory. color planes are separated. In the case of a 32x16 picture: 64 bytes red, 64 bytes green, 64 bytes blue. 16px vertical means 4 rows (1 row is 4 lines). 32px horizontal means 4 cols (4*8).


push cs
pop ds      ; ds=cs

mov si, img
mov bh,4 ; cols 
mov bl,4 ; rows
call draw_pic

  mov ax, RED
  call draw_channel
  mov ax, GREEN
  call draw_channel
  mov ax, BLUE
  call draw_channel
  mov es,ax
  xor di,di
  xor cx,cx
  mov cl,bl        ; rows (bl)
  push cx
  xor cx,cx
  mov cl,bh        ; cols (bh)
  loop cols_loop
  add di,COLS*4

  mov ax,0
  mov al,bh
  times 2 shl ax,1
  sub di,ax       ; di-=4*bh

  pop cx
  loop rows_loop

  db 0,112,127,112,255,255,255,255,245,250,253,250,0,14,254,14
  db 56,28,7,0,255,127,255,255,253,250,245,255,28,56,224,0
  db 0,0,0,0,15,3,3,3,240,192,192,128,0,0,0,0
  db 0,0,0,0,3,7,63,127,192,176,212,234,0,0,0,0
  db 0,96,117,96,255,255,255,255,160,208,232,208,0,4,234,4
  db 48,24,7,0,255,127,127,191,232,208,224,215,8,16,224,0
  db 0,0,0,0,15,3,3,3,160,192,128,128,0,0,0,0
  db 0,0,0,0,3,7,63,127,128,144,196,226,0,0,0,0
  db 0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0
  db 0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0
  db 0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0
  db 0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0

clear green channel

  mov ax,GREEN
  mov es,ax
  xor di,di
  mov cx,0x2000
  xor ax,ax
  rep stosw

mame in debug mode

  • start with -debug
  • F11 step into
  • F4 run to cursor
  • -debugscript autostart.txt containing g for 'go'

Ports (hex)

  • 00: PIC
  • 02: PIC
  • 08: disk command/status
  • 0A: disk track
  • 0C: disk sector
  • 0E: disk data
  • 10: video page
  • 18: joystick
  • 1a: printer data
  • 1C: parallel/drive control
  • 1e: PPI control
  • 20: timer channel 0
  • 22: timer channel 1
  • 24: timer channel 2
  • 26: timer control
  • 28: (serial header) serial
  • 29: (serial header)
  • 2a: (serial header) serial
  • 2b: (serial header)
  • 30: CRTC address
  • 32: CRTC data
  • 38: keyboard data
  • 3A: keyboard command/status

HxC Floppy Emulator / Floppy image file converter

See hxc

Time Bandit raw flux file

write this flux file (19,2MB) using Greaseweazle to an empty floppy to play the classic Time Bandit game on your Sanyo MBC-550/555.

gw write bandit.scp --tracks="c=0-39:step=2"

Run Time Bandit on Gotek with Flashfloppy 3.42 and HFE_v3 disk image

Place this HFE_v3 file (2,5MB) on your Gotek drive with FlashFloppy to play Time Bandit on your Sanyo MBC-550/555. First boot in MS-DOS, than switch to this diskimage and type BANDIT to start Time Bandit. Enjoy! 0001_TimeBandit_Sanyo_MBC55x.hfe The flux file by Greaseweazle was converted to HFE_v3 using HxC2001.


put this in autoexec.bat to get an extra drive in RAM.

ramdisk 64
rem OPTIONAL copy e:
path e: 

you need this in config.sys:


and you need these files on your msdos 2.11 floppy:

DISKCOPY.COM (optional)

Mame save screenshot

  • F12 - Saves screenshot to subfolder in 'snap'. for example: ./snap/mbc55x/0000.png'
  • Shift F12 - saves movie file in same location

Mount a .DSK file on Mac

rename it to .DMG and open it. Now you can copy the files. (does not work for MS-DOS v1.25)

Sanyo MBC-555 boot code / BIOS in ROM disassembly

  • clears the screen, inits CRT, keyboard, loads bootsector from floppy and jumps to it
  • FFFF:0000 jump to code in ROM
  • FE00:1E00 start of code in ROM
  • 0038:0000 start of loaded code in floppy bootsector
  • Details: Sanyo MBC-555 boot code in ROM disassembled

Sanyo MBC-555 floppy bootsector disassembly

Repair story by Mike @ Leaded Solder tip:

black & white ordered dithering

;from dark to light: 4x8 bits (4 lines, 8 bits per line). in total 8 chars.
grays: db 0,0,0,0, 136,0,34,0, 170,0,170,0, 170,17,170,68, 170,85,170,85, 85,238,85,187, 119,255,221,255, 255,255,255,255

3 bit grayscale dithering on monochrome monitor

PImage img = loadImage("input/"+filename);
img.resize(width, 200);
img = applyDithering(img, 8); //8 levels of brightness
img = grayTo3bitIntensity(img);
savePIC(img, "data/output/"+filename.replace(".jpg", ".pic"));
void savePIC(PImage img, String filename) {
  byte bytes[] = new byte[img.width*img.height*3/8+4];
  bytes[0] = byte(img.width & 255);
  bytes[1] = byte(img.width >> 8);
  bytes[2] = byte(img.height & 255);
  bytes[3] = byte(img.height >> 8);

  for (int i=0, x=0, y=0, n=img.width*img.height/8; i<n; i++) {
    for (int j=128; j>0; j/=2, x=(x+1)%img.width, y=i/(img.width/8)) {
      color c = img.get(x, y);
      bytes[i+4+2*n] |= byte(j * red(c)/255);
      bytes[i+4+1*n] |= byte(j * green(c)/255);
      bytes[i+4+0*n] |= byte(j * blue(c)/255);
  saveBytes(filename, bytes);

PImage grayTo3bitIntensity(PImage img) {
  PImage img2 = img.get();
  color c[] = {color(0), color(0,0,255),color(0,255,0),color(0,255,255),color(255,0,0),color(255,0,255),color(255,255,0),color(255,255,255)};
  int lut[] = {0,1,4,2,5,3,6,7};
  for (int y = 0; y<img.height; y++) {
    for (int x = 0; x<img.width; x++) {
      int index = int(brightness(img.pixels[y*img.width+x])/32); //32=256/8 because 8 colors in 3 bit
  return img2;

Panel mounted switches for diskimage and drive selection


Screenshot 2022-09-16 at 12 12 41

run Mame for Sanyo MBC-555

  • ROM in roms/mbc55x/mbc55x-v120.rom
  • Fn+DEL (to enable UI interface controls) then TAB to show menu
  • make mame for (just) Sanyo: make SUBTARGET=mbc55xtest SOURCE=src/mame/sanyo/mbc55x.cpp
  • make mame tools: make TOOLS=1 REGENIE=1
    ./mbc55xtest mbc55x -ramsize 256K -verbose -skip_gameinfo -effect scanlines -window -nomaximize -resolution0 800x600 -flop1 floppies/disk-a.img

BASIC CALL function

BASIC manual Sanyo MBC-555

decode Michtron PIC image file with Processing


//load and check width
byte bytes[] = loadBytes("SATURN.PIC");
int w = (bytes[1]<<8) + (bytes[0] & 0xff);
int h = (bytes[3]<<8) + (bytes[2] & 0xff);

//check and fix width if needed
//int bytesPerChannel = (bytes.length-4)/3;
//if (w*h/8<bytesPerChannel) 
//  w = (int(w+8)/8)*8;

for (int i=0, x=0, y=0, n=w*h/8; i<n; i++) {
  for (int j=128; j>0; j/=2, x=(x+1)%w, y=i/(w/8)) {
    int rr=(bytes[i+2*n+4]&j)/j<<8;
    int gg=(bytes[i+1*n+4]&j)/j<<8;
    int bb=(bytes[i+0*n+4]&j)/j<<8;
    fill(rr, gg, bb);
    rect(x, y*2, 1, 1.75); //double height, with slight vertical raster line in between the lines



receive data from Python

on Sanyo: type file.asm > aux

#!/usr/bin/env python3

import serial

ser = serial.Serial('/dev/tty.usbmodem1301',1200)

while True:
    x =
    print(x.decode('ascii'), end="")


sanyo mbc-555 VRAM emulation in Processing/Java

(running in 72 cols mode, update to 80 = 640px if needed)

PImage getVRAM() {
  PImage img = createImage(576, 200, RGB);
  for (int y=0, bit=0, j=0; y<img.height; y++) {
    for (int x=0; x<img.width; x++, bit=128>>(x%8), j++) {
      int i=int(y/4)*img.width/2+(y%4)+int(x/8)*4;
      int r = (mem[RED+i] & bit)>0 ? 255 : 0;
      int g = (mem[GREEN+i] & bit)>0 ? 255 : 0;
      int b = (mem[BLUE+i] & bit)>0 ? 255 : 0;
      img.pixels[j] = color(r, g, b);
  return img;


A tribute to Martin Kleppe's beautiful as well as a tribute to the Sanyo MBC-550/555 PC (1984) which forced me to be creative with code since 1994.

My own emulator and bootsector experiments


segments and offsets

"The 8086 has 20-bit addressing, but only 16-bit registers. To generate 20-bit addresses, it combines a segment with an offset. " SEGMENT*16+OFFSET


not for Sanyo but emulator for x86 in general: On Mac:

brew install qemu
qemu-system-x86_64 -fda boot-basic.img


nog onderzoeken:


-l 100 1 0 1  # load onto address 100h from 2nd drive (1) the first sector (0) and only one sector
writing 0200h bytes (512 bytes)

interrupt controller info

Sanyo MBC550 - John Elliott 27 January 2016

int 14h Serial, int 16h keyboard etc

ms-dos int services

debug search

debug basic.exe
s 1c67:ffff ffff e4 18   # searches for the bytes e4 and 18

Time Bandit BANDIT.EXE crack

this is a first step. Skipping disk access at start.

-g 8ee8
-g =8ef3

samdisk (samdisk-388-osx works on Macbook Air M1)

./samdisk IMAGE.td0  /Volumes/FLASHFLOPPY/IMAGE.dsk



Goed nieuws! Gotek met FlashFloppy firmware werkt super op de Sanyo MBC-555.

# in FF.CFG 
interface = shugart
host = pc-dos
pin02 = auto
pin34 = auto
nav-mode = indexed   # voor 0001-msdos211.img etc
indexed-prefix = ""


  • wellicht deze bestellen: (nee niet, mailcontact gehad. Werkt alleen voor 1.2MB diskdrives, en dan ook nog eens readonly.)


  • Capacitor C9 on the board may need to be dealt with if disk access is slow or erratic (it was installed backwards at the factory)."


  • "The PC floppy cable (assuming that you don't have any drives with a READY/ line on pin 34) can be a bit problematical to fabricate. On the other hand, if you can find a Teac FD235HF with the appropriate jumpers or a FD235F (which does have a READY/ line), you're in business, sort of." [[|source]]

  • see [[disk]]

  • index sensor measures optically the hole in the floppy disk. It marks the start of the current track. Read 'index sensor adjustment' in Sams Computer Facts about the Sanyo. I measure 208ms (milliseconds) for one turn of the disk. Around 5 turns a second and 300 turns per minute. Which is right according to 'spindle speed adjustment' part.

  • Weird thing: when I remove the index sensor this has no effect on the readings on TP9 and TP10. There's 10us between the pulses.

  • 'Precompensation adjustment': Connect input of a scope to TP1 on System Board. Set scope sweep to 1uSec, voltage to 2V and trigger to positive slope. Adjust Precompensation Control (RV1) for 2uSec from the rising edge of the first pulse to the rising edge of the second pulse. RESULT: 2uSec 500kHz.


Als een diskette bad sectors heeft kun je geen DISKCOPY gebruiken. Je kunt in veel gevallen wel met COPY de bestanden overzetten. Eventueel kun je met DEBUG de sectors 1 voor laden en wegschrijven (l 0 0 5 1 -> w 0 0 0 5 1).

Info about segments:offsets

Test pins on mainboard

  • TP1: Precompensation adjustment test. Should measure 2 uSec / 500 kHz. Adjust RV1 to fix.
  • TP2: ??

Drive Track Program

The following Basic program can be used to select Driva A or B, select side 0 or 1 and step the Drive Head to a specific track. To stop the program, press the BREAK key.

30 IF S=0 THEN Y=0 ELSE Y=4
40 IF D$="A" THEN Z=0 ELSE Z=1
50 TS=0: OUT 28, Y+Z: OUT 8,8
60 FOR D=1 TO 500: NEXT D
80 IF T>40 THEN 70
100 IF T>TS THEN C=72 ELSE C=104
110 FOR X=1 TO TR
120 OUT 8,C
130 FOR D=1 TO 5: NEXT D
140 NEXT X: TS=T
160 A$=INKEY$: OUT 8,228: IF A$="" THEN 160 ELSE 70


1l  # list from line one
1   # edit line 1
5i  # insert line(s) before line 5
q   # exit without saving
e   # save and exit
edlin autoexec.bat
  line of text

wordstar manual

  • fill memory with 0's: e 0 ffff 0
  • rcx sets cx register. This register is used in to store the amount of bytes to write to the loaded (or newly created file).
  • l 0 0 5 1 load sector 5 of drive 0 at currentSeg:0000

create a program with (ms-dos 1.25 without assemble command)

A> debug
- e 100
  B8 {space} 00 {space} 4C {space} CD {space} 21 {enter}
0AAC:0100 B8004C    MOV    AX,4C00
0AAC:0103 CD21      INT    21
-n filename

more info about Debug:

technical info

Game I/O

    Apple II Game I/O Connector
    This 16-pin DIP socket is described in the Apple II Reference
    Manual (January 1978) as "a means of connecting paddle controls,
    lights and switches to the APPLE II for use in controlling video
    games, etc." The connector provides for four analog "paddle"
    input signals (0-150KΩ resistance) which are converted to
    digital pulses by a NE558 quad timer on the main board. The
    connector also provides several digital switch inputs and
    "annunciator" outputs, all LS/TTL compatible. Apple joysticks
    provide active high switches (though at least one third-party
    product treats them as active low) and Apple main boards have no
    pullups on these inputs, which thus read 0 if disconnected.
    While pins 9 and 16 are unconnected on the Apple II, they provide
    additional digital output and input pins respectively on the Sanyo
    MBC-550/555 (which uses 74LS123 monostables instead of a NE558).
    The Apple IIgs also recognizes a switch input 3, though this is
    placed on pin 9 of the internal connector rather than 16.
                   +5V   1 |*           | 16  (SW3)
                   SW0   2 |            | 15  AN0
                   SW1   3 |            | 14  AN1
                   SW2   4 |            | 13  AN2
                  /STB   5 |  GAME I/O  | 12  AN3
                  PDL0   6 |            | 11  PDL3
                  PDL2   7 |            | 10  PDL1
                   GND   8 |            |  9  (AN4/SW3)